
Tuesday, May 2, 2017


During my DNA presentations and at our DNA Interest Group meetings, I encourage AncestryDNA test takers to transfer their DNA raw date to FTDNA and to the third party site GEDMATCH, and FTDNA test takers to transfer their raw data to GEDMATCH.

There is no cost to transfer either Ancestry or FTDNA raw data to GEDMATCH - it is absolutely free!  When transferring Ancestry raw data to FTDNA there is a fee of $19 to allow full access to the results on FTDNA (a savings of $60 over the cost of testing at FTDNA)

I recommend that Ancestry test takers transfer their DNA results to both FTDNA and GEDMATCH, and if you have only tested at FTDNA, transfer your DNA results to GEDMATCH.

Why transfer your DNA results to another company?  Two reasons would be, you have additional tools available to analyze your test results and your DNA will be compared to a different database which will result in new DNA cousin matches.  For a more detailed list of reasons visit Jim Bartlett's Segment-ology blog "Why Upload to GEDMATCH or FTDNA?"

Below are links to the instructions for downloading and uploading your DNA results:

First, you will need to download your Ancestry and/or FTDNA raw data to your computer in preparation for the transfer.  It is a good idea to keep these files stored on you computer and back-up in case anything happens to the testing company.  The following two links are the instructions to download both Ancestry and FTDNA to your personal computer.

Next, you will need to upload your raw DNA data files to either FTDNA or GEDMATCH.  The following two links are the instructions to upload your Ancestry raw data to either FTDNA or GEDMATCH and you FTDNA raw data to GEDMATCH.

If you have any questions, email me or plan to come to our next ArkLaTex DNA Interest Group Meeting.

Happy DNA ancestor hunting.

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