Legal Genealogist, Judy Russell provided information on her blog today that
provided the answer to a question that I have searched for many times. How
do you access all of the great DNA tools that Ancestry provides without
subscribing to access all of Ancestry records, which cost $189 to $389 per year
depending on the type of access they offer? The Free Registered Guest
account only lets one have limited access to the DNA results. There is a
DNA Insights Subscriptions for only $49 per year that allows full access to
your DNA results and use of all of the great DNA tools on Ancestry but no
access to Ancestry records. You can find more detailed information HERE
about each of these choices. Ancestry does not tell you much about the
Insight Subscription unless you call, and you cannot order it online you must
call them at 1-800-401-1601.
will go over this in more detail tomorrow at our DNA Interest Group Meeting.
Happy DNA cousin hunting.